Friends & Meetings

QAAD offers support to Friends in a variety of ways, described below. If you would like to discuss anything that concerns you, invite QAAD to attend your Meeting, or obtain further information, please contact our Director.

Personal Support

Our Director provides support to adult Friends troubled by their own substance use or gambling, and family members and friends who are (or have been) affected. This can be over the phone, by email or post. Whilst not a counselling organisation, we do offer the opportunity to talk in complete confidence about problems which can be difficult to discuss with people who know us personally, including at Meeting.

We can also advise on sources of information and specialist support and, when appropriate, facilitate supportive and confidential links between Friends with similar experiences.

Support for Meetings

QAAD attends Local and Area Meetings by invitation, where we offer balanced information, support and advice on any aspect of our areas of concern, from the personal or spiritual to wider social issues. It is our experience and hope that these gatherings facilitate spiritual sharing and resilience. Elders and Overseers are also welcome to contact us to discuss situations of concern within a Meeting.


QAAD events enable people to meet and share their experiences, and to learn from each other in fellowship. Our biennial conference and local QAADNET meetings are highly valued by those who attend.

In 2020, we ran our first online events and plan to run a combination of virtual and in-person events in future. Further details, and speakers’ recordings, can be found on the Events page.