

Reading on...

White Paper: ‘High Stakes – Gambling Reform for the Digital Age’, government review of the 2005 Gambling Act (2023) read here

Gambling Harm – Time for Action, Select Committee on the Social and Economic
Impact of the Gambling Industry, House of Lords,  Report of Session 2019–21 read here

Measuring Gambling Related Harms – A Framework for Action, Gambling Commission (2018) read here

Cards on the table: the cost to government associated with people who are problem gamblers in Britain, The Progressive Policy Think Tank (2016) read here

A longitudinal study of gambling in late adolescence and early adulthood, the ALSPAC Gambling Study (Executive Summary) (2019) read here

Evidence on neurological evidence of gambling harm by Dr Luke Clark (Professor, Department of Psychology and Director, Centre for Gambling Research at the University of British Columbia), the House of Lords inquiry (see above) read here