Friday 5th – Sunday 7th July, Launde Abbey, East Norton, LE7 9XB

Dependent behaviours imprison people with their pain and despair through stigma, guilt and shame. Whether alcohol, other drugs or gambling, the effect on individuals and those close to them is the same. To the outside world, many people privately affected in this way can appear strong, productive, resilient. Behind closed doors, the prospect of breaking through the silence, even with friends and family, can feel insurmountable.

Our theme for this year’s conference is the power of talking openly about our experiences. Trusting that if we can find the  courage to speak honestly, we can help to overcome stigma, thereby helping others to do the same. It is also about the essential need to listen and respond without prejudice or judgement. To meet the darkness with the Light.

QAAD’s conferences bring together Friends in recovery or struggling with the impact of substance use or gambling, family members and friends supporting someone harmed in this way, and those seeking to deepen their understanding of these issues. Many Friends have told us how much they appreciate being able to share these experiences and reflections within a Quaker context. It is a safe, confidential space to share our insights, inspiration and concerns.

Over the course of the weekend, there will be a choice of activities designed to develop our understanding and help us all to reflect on ways ahead. In particular, we will consider how, as Friends, we can respond with compassion – when and wherever we encounter these problems, including within our Meetings. We hope you will join us, whatever your experience and interests. We are looking forward to seeing familiar faces once again, and to welcoming Friends who will be with us for the first time. Further details, including the full programme and travel advice, will be available shortly.  

The cost of attendance is £270.00 which includes full board and accommodation. The conference is a nominating event and Friends can contact their Area Meeting to request being funded as the Meeting’s representative. If you would prefer to book independently, QAAD may partially fund your place, depending on circumstances, to ensure that every Friend who would like to attend can do so. Please contact Alison Mather who can advise you further.

Please complete the booking form and post or email this to Alison Mather by Friday 31st May

We may be able to accept bookings after this date, depending on availability, and there will be a waiting list in case of cancellations.