We are sorry that, due to COVID, we have been unable to meet with Friends at Local and Area Meetings in person recently, or to hold our Woodbrooke conference in 2020. To maintain and build our contact with Friends, we ran several online events during 2021. You can view recordings of our speakers’ talks below.

We are planning to run further online events throughout 2022, and will post full details on this page and in QAADRANT.

QAADNET: Faith in Recovery?

Saturday 4th December 2021

We were pleased to be joined by Dr Andrew Williams (Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Cardiff University) who provided the introductory talk for the meeting. He outlined the findings of research that he and his colleagues have conducted into faith-based alcohol treatment. This raised serious concerns about some treatment providers’ approaches and the ethical and health implications they have for highly vulnerable residents.


Groups Fair

Saturday 24th July 2021

This was an opportunity to meet Friends online to discuss their personal experiences, insights and concerns and QAAD’s work more generally.

Special Interest Group: ‘How does our faith help us to understand and respond to addiction?’

Monday 2nd August 2021

Andrew Misell (Director for Wales, Alcohol Change UK and Cardiff LM) was our speaker at this Special Interest Group. The focus of his talk ‘What’s faith got to do with it?’ was on ‘faith as expressed in service’ and that people are important – all people. Andrew reflected on what faith means to him in the context of substance and addiction, based on his personal thoughts as a Quaker and drawing on his professional experience of working for a national charity concerned with these issues.

QAAD Webinar: ‘The Nature of the Beast – addiction and how we can stand up to it’

Saturday 23rd January 2021

QAAD’s first online event took place on Saturday 23rd January. The webinar was attended by 45 participants from across the country and abroad.  Our guest speaker was the leading addictions academic, clinical psychologist and author Professor Jim Orford, (Emeritus Professor of Clinical & Community Psychology, Birmingham University).  Jim spoke about the key factors which drive addiction, drawing on his many years’ experience, research and campaigning.  

If you would like further information about Jim and his work please visit:  www.gamblingwatchuk.org  and www.afinetwork.info