‘Faith in Recovery – service user evaluation of faith-based treatment’, Alcohol Change UK (2019) read here

‘Stand Up and Tell Me Your Story – meanings and importance of lived and living experiences for alcohol and drug policy: findings of a qualitative study’, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) read here

‘Men and Alcohol – key issues’, SHAAP read here

‘Women and Alcohol – key issues’, SHAAP read here

‘Alcohol and the developing adolescent brain: evidence review’, SHAAP read here

Close others

‘Alcohol’s Harms to Others: The harms from other people’s alcohol consumption in Wales’, Public Health Wales (2016) read here

‘Alcohol-realted harm to others in England – a cross-sectional analysis of national survey data’, BMJ Open (2017) read here

‘A Manifesto for Change’, Children of Alcoholics All Party Parliamentary Group (2017) read here


Counting the Cost of Alcohol Pricing, Alison Mather, the Friend (June 2022) read here

‘Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions in Scotland: Briefing Paper’, Public Health Scotland (2023) read here





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